The disadvantage of Wordpress. What are the consequences for the entrepreneur?

The disadvantage of Wordpress. What are the consequences for the entrepreneur?

Wordpress is the most popular solution for designing simple websites. The "advantage" is that almost every somewhat affine person, after some youtube and google research, is able to build an easy website. Simple websites are fine for artists, clubs, or small one-man businesses. So a simple information page, Simple websites are fine for artists, clubs, or small one-man businesses. In this blog, we explain why Wordpress and Co are not suitable for a professional company website.

Here we go:

Wordpress Disadvantage 1: Wordpress has significant security problems

There are actually dozens of security vulnerabilities in WordPress. This makes it easy for hackers, spammers and others with malicious intent to damage your website. Wordpress websites are known to be very easy to infiltrate, which means that your website tends to be more vulnerable to attacks using the standard WordPress CMS than other systems. Of course, this can be particularly dangerous if you query or save sensitive information on your homepage or online shop. If these fall into the wrong hands, there are serious consequences. In fact, your website may be tapped for an extended period of time without you even noticing. There is a risk of immense damage that can hardly be quantified!

This is of course completely unacceptable and definitely a major disadvantage when using the WordPress standard CMS. In order to protect your homepage effectively, you must ideally hire a WordPress security specialist who will analyze all the necessary steps and carry them out accordingly. Since we manage a large number of websites ourselves, we know what we are talking about. It's definitely not going to be cheap. However, since moving a possibly very extensive website to another system or an attack that actually occurs can be much more expensive or even lead to the closure of the company, many website operators bite the bullet here. Suddenly, no one wants to hear anything more about buzzwords like “free” and “cheap”.

Wordpress Disadvantage 2: Wordpress attracts a lot of spam

Chances are you've been surfing the web for a while and you know that Internet spam can be a big problem. Wordpress has a blog comment function, which in turn has some advantages, but is also a magnet for spam or spam robots. So if you have a Wordpress website, you are probably hit by tens of spam mails every day, which have to be processed more or less laboriously.

Spambots are fully automated and continuously perform so-called brute force attacks on your website. Even if you disable the blog posting system on WordPress, spam still stalks you at times. This means that you have to delete spam manually on a regular basis or often activate overly bloated plugins to block it, which in turn can severely limit the performance of your homepage. The spam susceptibility is one of the most important disadvantages of Wordpress.

WordPress Disadvantage 3: Problems with Plugins

Once you have WordPress installed, you need to download plugins to optimize the functionality of your website. The reason: No theme on the market has all the services or options that are necessary for an all-round coherent website. The numerous plugins are to be seen as a clear advantage of Wordpress. In fact, however, they also harbor considerable disadvantages. They have to be updated continuously - usually manually - which of course can be extremely annoying if you use a lot of plugins on your website.

In addition, Wordpress usually also needs to be updated at certain intervals - and when that is the case, individual plugins that may perform all-important tasks can suddenly stop working. As a result, you have to look for alternatives or even hire a developer to help you diagnose and fix the problem. This is extremely tedious, takes a lot of time and can cost a lot of money.

Another significant disadvantage of the extensions is they sometimes lacking compatibility with each other. It can happen that certain plugins on your website are incompatible with other extensions, and you have to look for an alternative or ultimately have to hire a specialist. This is extremely frustrating in the long run and, last but not least, costly.

Wordpress Disadvantage 4: Lots of unfavorable code

Since you have to download numerous additional plugins to optimize your website, this can sometimes affect your hosting significantly. This is especially true if you have installed not only direct WordPress plugins but also other third-party applications and software. All of this creates a lot of code that can significantly slow down your website and thus create a severe degradation in user experience, especially in the mobile version for cell phones or pads, which in turn causes many of your visitors to leave your homepage quickly. The so-called bounce rate is an extremely important factor for your website ranking on Google today.

Wordpress Disadvantage 5: Severe Web Design Limitations

If you do web design with WordPress, your options are manageable. This means that you can change the body of your page, more precisely the content and with the help of CSS also the design, to a certain extent. However, you only have limited access to the HTML source text or the PHP code. This means that individual adjustments using Javascript or other programming languages are difficult, if not impossible. As a result, you can hardly change the page structures of your website and generally only have a few options apart from the default settings of the respective theme or your installed plugins.

Theme builders usually cite a protection feature as the reason for these limitations. This argument is perfectly understandable. However, the problem besides limited customizability is that as a result, your website is more or less dependent on a theme builder or team in the anonymity of the web. You have no way of checking whether these are really qualified professionals.

Wordpress Disadvantage 6: Limited creativity even in small things

It is not only the limitations in the layout adjustments or in the implementation of larger individual features that are to be seen as clear disadvantages of Wordpress. Even the smallest adjustments, such as changing the font or color, are often not possible within the theme settings.

Complex CSS inputs have to be made here, which in the worst case can turn into unfavorable code again. Most users are unable to make appropriate adjustments. why? Wordpress should be so simple and allow even people without specialist knowledge to do relatively complex web design. The word "relatively" can clearly be equated here with "within the framework of the theme specifications". So again, you have to hire a web designer to customize fonts, colors, icons, etc.

WordPress Disadvantage 7:Updates can damage your website or even render it unusable

Even if you take the time or invest the money and have a web designer create a custom Wordpress layout, or maybe just embed the custom code you need, you can still run into significant problems with it later on. It is actually possible that after a few WordPress updates your individual website will only function to a limited extent or even not at all.

WordPress usually updates its core software every few months to fix bugs, security issues, etc. The probability is not very small that after one of the many updates your customized Wordpress homepage is no longer compatible with the current standard. To get everything back to normal, you'll need to call in the developer again. This is not only time-consuming, but also sometimes causes large deficits in the sale of your products or services due to the failure that has occurred once.

WordPress Disadvantage 8: Poor ranking requirements / SEO properties

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of online marketing today. Google has now become the primary starting point for a large proportion of web users. For your website, this naturally means that it should appear as high as possible in the search results of your target group(s). The higher your rank on Google, the more organic traffic you will receive and the greater the number of people who will come to your homepage with a real interest in your products or services. However, Wordpress can interfere with this process, which is of course a huge disadvantage and one of the main reasons against using Wordpress is.

On the one hand, most Wordpress websites have pages that are far too bloated, i.e. contain too much code, and, among other things, react extremely slowly as a result. This means that Google has to spend a lot of time crawling the Wordpress code in order to finally be able to make a rating. This increased expenditure of time certainly does not have a positive effect on the ranking.

On the other hand, homepages created with Wordpress - as already mentioned - attract a lot of spam. And spam is actually one of Google's absolute negative ranking factors. If your website is suspected of spreading extensive spam through such comments, this can have a very negative effect on your position on Google.

WordPress Disadvantage 9: Hidden costs

Once you've chosen and installed a free theme, you'll likely find out quickly that it doesn't meet your needs. They search again and end up buying one with more features. However, as already mentioned several times, you can sometimes not make all the adjustments yourself. This means that there are additional expenses for the services of a professional.

But that's not all, because your premium theme can actually cause regular costs - namely if you accidentally chose a rented version. The same can happen to you with plugins. Before you know it, you'll be subscribed and you might be paying a lot of money for features you don't really need on a regular basis. All of these potential downsides don't come your way with custom website development!

Important to know for you as an entrepreneur:

However, the risk of suffering considerable damage due to the various possible disadvantages of using Wordpress is often too great. Corresponding dangers are often not even registered with regard to the supposed advantages, which in fact makes them even more dangerous.

So be aware that there are always hidden costs lurking with Wordpress, your SEO or positioning in the Google ranking can suffer considerably, there are no free design options and you do not receive comprehensive support. The latter is of course particularly important in a project that may be larger, but is certainly always economically very important, such as the launch of a new website. So it is better to rely on Go Famous Now and an individually developed website with its own CMS and friendly customer support!